
Use of the collection

The Tomás Navarro Tomás Library houses a large bibliographic and documental collection both in paper and in electronic or digital format. This collection is made available to any person needing to use it through the loan or in-house consultation services. The reproduction of documents is permitted within the limits established by the intellectual property laws.

Contact and Social Network

Library location

Biblioteca Tomás Navarro Tomás
Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales del CSIC
C/ Albasanz 26-28
Madrid 28037

Telephone: 91 602 27 75

Metro: Ciudad Lineal (L5), Suances (L5)
Bus (EMT): 77, 104, 105

CCHS emergency leaflet

Opening times (July to September)

Monday to friday 9:00 AM to 14:30 PM.
The library will be closed the following days:
6 of January
20 of march
6 and 7 of April
1, 2 and 15 of May
7 to 20 of August
12 of October
1 and 9 of November
6, 8, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29 of December