
Boletín de novedades bibliográficas de la BTNT

Disponible el boletín de novedades bibliográficas de la bibioteca correspondiente al mes de enero de 2025 que incorpora 2.107 nuevos documentos.

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The piece of the month in BTNT

This month is dedicated to a essay titled “Epigrafía callejera”, by Pío Baroja, belonging to the Archives of Contemporary Literature collection. [+]

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Library digital collection

Este es el libro de grandes pedricaciones [sic] y castigos y dexenplos en el adín del al-içlam para las gentes [+]

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Webs and more

2023 Science Week
Mujeres en la ciencia española. Historia y presente [+]

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Taking the library out of the library

Tomás Navarro Tomás library participates in the exhibition 440 Teatro Español. El más antiguo de Europa (1583-2023) [+]

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Exhibitions of the library since 2008. [+]

Bibliopods. Library podcast

Cien años de Iglesias mozárabes[+]

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Contact and Social Network

CSIC Libraries and Archives Network

Library location

Biblioteca Tomás Navarro Tomás
Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales del CSIC
C/ Albasanz 26-28
Madrid 28037

Telephone: 91 602 27 75

Metro: Ciudad Lineal (L5), Suances (L5)
Bus (EMT): 77, 104, 105

CCHS emergency leaflet

Opening times (July to September)

Monday to friday 9:00 AM to 14:30 PM.
The library will be closed the following days:
1 and 6 of January
17 and 18 of April
1, 2 and 15 of May
25 of July
15 of August
10 of November
8, 24, 25 and 31 of December