Herbert Alexander Simon

Bibliografías especializadas

Bibliografía especializada. Base de datos IBSS

Obras del autor

  • Simon,H. A.
    Administrative behavior; a study of decision-making processes in administrative organization
    1957, 259 - 259
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  • Simon,H. A.
    A behavioral model of national choice
    Quarterly Journal of Economics
    1955, 69, 1, 99 - 118
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  • Simon,H. A.
    A comparison of organization theories
    Review of Economic Studies
    1952, 20, 1, 40 - 48
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  • Simon,H. A.
    A formal theory of interaction in social groups
    American Sociological Review
    1952, 17, 2, 202 - 211
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  • Fernandes,Ronald;Simon,Herbert A.
    A study of how individuals solve complex and ill-structured problems
    Policy Sciences
    1999, 32, 3, 225 - 245
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  • Aubert,Karl Egil;Simon,Herbert A.
    Accurate predictions and fixed point theorems
    Social Science Information
    1982, 21, 3, 323 - 348
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  • Simon,H. A.
    Administrative behavior
    1967, xxiv - x372
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  • Simon,Herbert A.;Gow,James Iain
    Administrative behavior. A study of decision-making processes in administrative organizations
    Canadian public administration
    2003, 46, 1, 120 - 127
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  • Simon,Herbert A.;Augier,Mie
    Administrative behavior: a study of decision-making processes in administrative organizations
    Economic Journal
    2002, 112, 480, 386 - 388
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  • Simon,H. A.
    Administrative decision-making
    Public administration review
    1965, 25, 1, 31 - 37
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  • Simon,H. A.;Ando,A.
    Aggregation of variables in dynamic systems
    1961, 29, 2, 111 - 138
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  • Simon,Herbert A.
    Allen Newell (1927-1992)
    American psychologist
    1993, 48, 11, 1148 - Ver registro

  • Simon,Herbert A.;Pylyshyn,Zenon W.
    Allen Newell (1927-1992) remarks in memoriam
    Behavioral and brain sciences
    1992, 15, 3, i - Ver registro

  • Simon,Herbert A.
    Altruism and economics
    American economic review
    1993, 83, 2, 156 - Ver registro

  • Simon,Herbert A.;Rubinstein,Ariel
    An empirically based microeconomics
    Journal of economic literature
    1999, XXXVII, 4, 1711 - 1713
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  • Simon,Herbert A.;Grandori,Anna
    An empirically-based microeconomics
    Organization Studies
    2000, 21, 2, 468 - 472
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  • Simon,H. A.
    Artificial intelligence: an empirical science
    Artificial Intelligence
    1995, 77, 1, 95 - 128
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  • Simon,H. A.
    Bandwagon and underdog effects and the possibility of election predictions
    Public opinion quarterly
    1954, 18, 3, 245 - 253
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  • Simon,H. A.
    Birth of an organization: the Economic Cooperation Administration
    Public administration review
    1953, 13, 4, 227 - 236
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  • Ijiri,Y.;Simon,H. A.
    Business firm growth and size
    American economic review
    1964, 54, 2, 77 - 89
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  • Iwasaki,Y.;Simon,H. A.
    Causality and model abstraction
    Artificial Intelligence
    1994, 67, 1, 143 - 194
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  • Simon,Herbert A.
    Charles E. Merriam and the "Chicago School" of political science
    1987, 11 - 11
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  • Simon,Herbert A.
    Cognitive architectures and rational analysis - comment
    Architectures for intelligence
    1991, 25 - 40
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  • Simon,H. A.
    Comment: firm size and rate of growth
    Journal of political economy
    1964, 72, 1, 81 - 82
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  • Simon,H. A.
    Comments on the theory of organizations
    American political science review
    1952, 46, 4, 1130 - 1139
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  • Simon,Herbert A.
    Complex systems: the interplay of organizations and markets in contemporary society
    Computational and mathematical organization theory
    2001, 7, 2, 79 - 86
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  • Simon,Herbert A.
    Darwinism, altruism and economics
    The evolutionary foundations of economics
    2005, Ver registro

  • Simon,Herbert A.
    Decision making and problem solving
    Decision making - alternatives to rational choice models
    1992, 32 - 53
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  • Simon,Herbert A.
    Decision making and problem solving
    1987, 17, 5, 11 - 31
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  • Simon,H. A.
    Dynamic programming under uncertainty with aquadratic criterion function
    1956, 24, 1, 74 - 81
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  • Mirowski,Philip;Simon,Herbert;Egidi,Massimo;Viale,Riccardo
    Economics, bounded rationality and the cognitive revolution
    Southern economic journal
    1994, 60, 3, 786 - 787
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  • Simon,Herbert Alexander;Egidi,M.;Marris,Robin Lapthorn
    Economics, bounded rationality and the cognitive revolution
    1992, 232 - 232
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  • Simon,Herbert;Farmer,Mary
    Economics, bounded rationality and the cognitive revolution
    Manchester School
    1993, LXI, 2, 221 - Ver registro

  • Ijiri,Y.;Simon,H. A.
    Effects of mergers and acquisitions on business firm concentration
    Journal of political economy
    1971, 79, 2, 314 - 322
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  • Ando,A.;Fisher,F. M.;Simon,H. A.
    Essays on the structure of social science models
    1963, iv + 172 - Ver registro

  • Simon,H. A.
    Firm management and automation
    1968, 110 - 110
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  • Simon,H. A.
    Forecasting the future or shaping it?
    Industrial and corporate change
    2002, 11, 3, 601 - 606
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  • Simon,Herbert A.
    Human nature in politics: the dialogue of psychology with political science
    American political science review
    1985, 79, 2, 293 - 304
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  • Newell,A.;Simon,H. A.
    Human problem solving
    1972, 920 - 920
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  • Ijiri,Yuji;Sunder,Shyam;Simon,Herbert A.
    Information technologies and organizations
    Accounting review
    1990, 65, 3, 658 - 667
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  • Ijiri,Y.;Simon,H. A.
    Interpretations of departures from the Pareto curve firm-size distributions
    Journal of political economy
    1974, 82, 2, 315 - 331
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  • Simon,H. A.;Campanella,Miriam L.
    La scienza dell'artificiale
    Rassegna italiana di sociologia
    1990, 31, 2, 251 - Ver registro

  • Simon,Herbert A.
    Methodological foundations of economics
    Praxiologies and the philosophy of economics
    1992, 25 - 42
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  • Cyert,Richard M.;Simon,Herbert A.;Glymour,Clark;Fienberg,Stephen A.;Tanur,Judith M.
    Methodologies for the study of social systems
    Behavioral science
    1983, 28, 2, 91 - 186
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  • Simon,Herbert A.
    Models of bounded rationality. Volume 1. Economic analysis and public policy; Volume 2. Behavioral economics and business organization
    1982, xxiii - xx478
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  • Simon,H. A.
    Models of man, social and rational. Mathematical essays on rational human behavior in a social setting
    1957, xvi + 287 - Ver registro

  • Simon,H. A.
    Near decomposability and the speed of evolution
    Industrial and corporate change
    2002, 11, 3, 587 - 600
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  • Simon,H. A.
    New development in the theory of the firm
    American economic review
    1962, 52, 2, 1 - 15
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  • Simon,H. A.
    Notes on the observation and measurement of political power
    Journal of politics
    1953, 15, 4, 500 - 516
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  • Simon,Herbert A.
    On parsimonious explanations of production relations
    Scandinavian Journal of Economics
    1979, 81, 4, 459 - 474
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  • Simon,Herbert
    On simulating Simon: his monomania, and its sources in bounded rationality
    Studies in history and philosophy of science
    2001, 32A, 3, 501 - 505
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  • Simon,H. A.
    On the application of servomechanism theory in the study of production control
    1952, 20, 2, 247 - 268
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  • Simon,H. A.
    On the concept of organizational goal
    Administrative Science Quarterly
    1964, 9, 1, 1 - 22
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  • Williamson,Oliver E.;Simon,Herbert A.
    Organization theory - from Chester Barnard to the present and beyond
    Journal of economic literature
    1992, XXX, 3, 1503 - Ver registro

  • March,J. G.;Simon,H. A.
    1959, xii + 262 - Ver registro

  • March,J. G.;Simon,H. A.
    1958, 262 - 262
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  • March,James;Simon,Herbert;Hickson,David J.
    Organization Studies
    1994, 15, 4, 786 - 787
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  • Simon,Herbert A.
    Organizations and markets
    Journal of public administration research and theory
    1995, 5, 3, 273 - 294
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  • Simon,Herbert A.
    Organizations and markets
    Journal of economic perspectives
    1991, 5, 2, 25 - 44
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  • March,J. G.;Simon,H. A.
    Organizations revisited
    Industrial and corporate change
    1993, 2, 3, 299 - Ver registro

  • Simon,H. A.
    Organizing and coordinating talk and silence in organizations
    Industrial and corporate change
    2002, 11, 3, 611 - 618
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  • Sarasvathy,D. K.;Simon,H. A.;Lave,L.
    Perceiving and managing business risks: differences between entrepreneurs and bankers
    Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
    1998, 33, 2, 207 - 225
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  • Monroe,Kristen R.;Riker,William H.;Simon,Herbert A.;Grafstein,Robert;Dawes,Robyn M.;Rosenberg,Shawn W.;Mansbridge,Jane;Euben,Roxanne;Zuckert,Catherine H.
    Political economy and political psychology
    Political Psychology
    1995, 16, 1, 1 - 210
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  • Simon,Herbert
    Pro- and anti-lists of the most significant contributions to economic literature of the twentieth century
    European journal of the history of economic thought
    2001, 8, 3, 309 - 310
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  • Simon,Herbert A.
    Problem formulation and alternative generation in the decision making process
    Progress in decision, utility and risk theory
    1991, 77 - 84
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  • Simon,H. A.;Smithburg,D. W.;Thompson,V. A.
    Public administration
    1956, 555 - 555
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  • Simon,Herbert A.;Thompson,Victor A.
    Public administration revisited
    1991, 28, 5, 41 - Ver registro

  • Simon,Herbert A.
    Rational decision making in business organizations
    American economic review
    1979, 69, 493 - 513
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  • Simon,Herbert A.
    Rationality in political behavior
    Political Psychology
    1995, 16, 1, 45 - 62
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  • Simon,Herbert A.
    Rationality of the decision making process in enterprises
    Revista Brasileira de Economia
    1984, 38, 1, 111 - 142
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  • Touretzky,David S.;Pomerleau,Dean A.;Vera,Alonso H.;Simon,Herbert A.
    Reconstructing physical symbol systems
    Cognitive science
    1994, 18, 2, 345 - 353
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  • Simon,H. A.;Campanella,Miriam L.
    Scientific discovery
    Rassegna italiana di sociologia
    1990, 31, 2, 251 - Ver registro

  • Simon,Herbert A.;Valdés-Pérez,Raúl E.;Sleeman,Derek H.;Swanson,Don R.;Smalheiser,Neil R.;Corruble,Vincent;Ganascia,Jean-Gabriel;Jong,Hidde de;Rip,Arie;Alberdi,Eugenio;Ledesma,Luis de;Pérez,Aurora;Borrajo,Daniel;Laita,Luis M.
    Scientific discovery
    Artificial Intelligence
    1997, 91, 2, 177 - 307
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  • Simon,Herbert A.;Valdés-Pérez,Raúl E.;Sleeman,Derek H.
    Scientific discovery and simplicity of method
    Artificial Intelligence
    1997, 91, 2, 177 - 181
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  • Simon,Herbert A.
    Scientific discovery as problem solving
    International studies in the philosophy of science
    1992, 6, 1, 3 - 14
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  • Simon,Herbert A.
    Scientific discovery as problem solving - reply to critics
    International studies in the philosophy of science
    1992, 6, 1, 69 - Ver registro

  • Clarkson,G. P. E.;Simon,H. A.
    Simulation of individual and group behavior
    American economic review
    1960, 50, 5, 920 - 932
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  • Ijiri,Yuji;Simon,Herbert A.
    Skew distributions and the sizes of business firms
    1977, xi - 231
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  • Simon,H. A.
    Strategy and organizational evolution
    Strategic Management Journal
    1993, 14, 131 - 142
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  • Klahr,David;Simon,Herbert A.
    Studies of scientific discovery: complementary approaches and convergent findings
    Psychological bulletin
    1999, 125, 5, 524 - 543
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  • Simon,Herbert
    Testability and approximation
    The philosophy of economics: an anthology
    2008, Ver registro

  • Simon,Herbert A.
    The architecture of complexity
    The foundations of the new institutional economics
    2004, Ver registro

  • Simon,H. A.
    The compensation of executives
    1957, 20, 1, 32 - 35
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  • Simon,H. A.;Stern,F.
    The effect of television upon voting behaviour in Iowa in the 1952 presidential election
    American political science review
    1955, 49, 2, 470 - 477
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  • Simon,H. A.
    The new science of management decision
    1960, 50 - 50
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  • Simon,H. A.
    The shape of automation for men and management
    1965, xv + 111 - Ver registro

  • Simon,H. A.;Bonini,C. P.
    The size distribution of business firms
    American economic review
    1958, 48, 4, 607 - 617
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  • Simon,Herbert A.
    The state of American political science - Professor Lowi's view of our discipline
    Political science and politics
    1993, XXVI, 1, 49 - Ver registro

  • Simon,H. A.
    Theories of decision-making in economics and behavioral science
    American economic review
    1959, 49, 3, 253 - 283
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  • Simon,H. A.
    We and they: the human urge to identify with groups
    Industrial and corporate change
    2002, 11, 3, 607 - 610
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  • Simon,Herbert A.
    What is public administration for?
    Revista de economía institucional
    2001, 4, 119 - 122
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  • Simon,Herbert A.
    Why public administration?
    Journal of public administration research and theory
    1998, 8, 1, 1 - 11
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  • Simon,Herbert A.
    Why public administration?
    Public administration review
    1998, 58, 1, ii - Ver registro

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