Julio Caro Baroja

Bibliografías especializadas

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"Grabación de Caro Baroja en el II Curso de Introducción a la Etnología"

Bibliografía especializada. Base de datos JSTOR

  • Walker, D.E.,Jr
    Review "The World of the Witches" by Julio Caro Baroja, O. N. V. Glendinning
    American Anthropologist, New Series,
    1965, 67, 5, 1306 - 1308
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  • Pericot, Luis; Alcobe, Santiago; Caro Baroja, Julio
    Spain and Portugal: An Anthropological Review for 1952-1954
    Yearbook of Anthropology
    1955, , , 501 - 524
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  • Marwick, M. G.
    Review "The World of the Witches" by Julio Caro Baroja
    Man, New Series,
    1966, 1, 2, 258 - 259
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  • Liebman, Seymour B.
    The Great Conspiracy in Peru
    The Americas,
    1971, 28, 2, 176 - 190
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  • Liebman, Seymour B.
    The Great Conspiracy in New Spain
    The Americas,
    1973, 30, 1, 18 - 31
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  • Knies, Jerome
    Review "The World of the Witches" by Julio Caro Baroja, O. N. V. Glendinning
    Review of Religious Research,
    1968, 9, 2, 114 -
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  • Katie Harris, A.
    Review "Los moriscos del reino de Granada: Ensayo de Historia Social" by Julio Caro Baroja
    The Sixteenth Century Journal,
    2005, 36, 2, 466 - 467
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  • Jensen, De Lamar
    Review "El señor inquisidor y otras vidas por oficio" by Julio Caro Baroja
    The American Historical Review,
    1969, 74, 5, 1643 - 1644
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  • Fogg, Walter
    Review "Estudios Saharianos" by Julio Caro Baroja
    1957, , , 58 -
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  • Douglass, William A.
    Reply to Brandes
    American Anthropologist, New Series,
    1973, 75, 1, 300 - 302
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  • Corbin, J. R.
    The Myth of Primitive Spain
    Anthropology Today,
    1989, 5, 4, 15 - 17
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  • Cutileiro, Jose
    Review "Mediterranean Countrymen. Essays in the Social Anthropology of the Mediterranean" by Julian Pitt-Rivers
    Man, New Series,
    1966, 1, 1, 131 - 132
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  • Canby, Joel S.
    Review "Estudios Saharianos" by Julio Caro Baroja
    American Anthropologist, New Series,
    1957, 59, 1, 176 - 177
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  • Aitken, Robert
    Review "Disertación sobre los molinos de viento" by J. Caro Baroja
    1953, 53, 111 - 111
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  • Aitken, Barbara; Aitken, Robert
    Review "Los Pueblos de España" by J. Caro Baroja
    1950, 50, 49 - 50
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  • Agirreazkiuenaga, Joseba
    Julio Caro Baroja (JCB): "Maestro" in Social History and Non-Conformist Intellectual (Madrid, 13-XI-1914 - Bera de Bidasoa, 18-VIII-1995)
    History Workshop Journal
    1996, , 42, 195 - 206
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